Here is a thought.. !
What if every time we found ourselves being true to our self through meeting a need, fulfilling a desire, showing up as our self in any situation, growing a dream into a creation, doing what we truly want to do… Let what we hear, feel and know be so as to allow us to experience each moment through our true, best and favorite way — that we would be rewarded.
Yep, I said it! A reward for being true to who and what we are; that which we desire to be and do…
Oh, I like the sound of it, the feeling of it, the thought of it, the possibility of it and the realness of it.
How about for one day (for starters), or you pick the amount of time of it, we allow ourselves to be rewarded for doing what is best for ourselves. Letting love lead. Letting love permeate. No negative thought association. No guilt. No shame.
You get rewarded when you are true to You. When you give yourself exactly what feels easy, enjoyable, like a gift and honor to and of your self.
Do it. Be it. Play with it. Work it. Allow it. Invite it. Open up to it.
‘It’ being your happiest way of living in the moment.
1. 2. 3. Go!
Are you game?
Check in with yourself. Think of and answer the question of what would make me happiest now. Come close to it as possible, as often as possible.
This, in itself is, perhaps, one of the greatest rewards of being alive.
Just imagine. As we get our happy and freedom to be ourselves on… all the awesome, beauty, love and an uplifting of one another we would create.
May you get your ‘me’ on!
Thank You.