The color red and the master of your vitality…
Red has a range of meanings including “life, health, vigor, war, courage, anger and love”.
Red also symbolizes “energy, passion, strength, courage, physical activity, creativity, warmth and security”.
“It is also associated with aggression. In healing, red can bring warmth and burn out dis-ease.” (Google)
Aggression, war, and anger, within ourselves, can be about knowing what we want and doing something different. Not feeling safe. Not living ourselves fully. Not being mindful, aware and/or open to caring through our own love. The war within ourselves can come about listening to our minds without including our hearts. The war within is sometimes between what we know and what we feel.
When we match with what is going on within us to what we show on the outside of ourselves, with love and mindfulness, we create vitality and vigor.
Vulnerability takes courage, truth, self-awareness and trust; of self, of others. Living in, through and forward in our sometimes vulnerable truth can be the most uplifting thing we can do for ourselves and each other.
Red is the color that most represents love.
You are love(d). Fill this love in every cell and bring it into every experience. Get comfortable and allow it to be commonplace to feel it in every breath you take.
You are the master of your vitality.
When we do and live doing the things we love and being the way(s) that make(s) us feel good and aligned with out truth, our vitality soars. No outside noise. Just ‘am’ by the beating from our own hearts; living to the beat of our own drum.
When we stay true to who we are and what we feel, honoring ourselves, the things that bring us joy, we uplift ourselves which in miraculous ways uplifts the vibration of all that surrounds us and everything and every one that is a part of life itself.
May you let the vitality of You soar and highlight each day.