Go deep into the reality of your life…
Open to the truth(s) in your life. Live from the truth inside of you.
Perhaps, we are being asked (forced) to lean into the reality of who we are, how we feel, what we are and open up and love the realness and wholeness of same.
May you show all that is You, your whole self, compassion and kindness. Acceptance. Awareness.
Step outside of yourself and look in; ‘see’ with great awareness and kindness.
See ourselves without judgment and with open hearts and minds.
Many of us are living and witnessing a boatload of transitioning. I see it, feel it, am enduring it and can also feel flabbergasted by it.
It can feel as though it is not through segmented parts as much as it is the wholeness of life and living The wholeness of you and of me; of our universe.
If you find yourself confused and/or overwhelmed, perhaps, ask yourself what it is you can do right now in this moment Step by step. Moment by moment. Breath by breath. Just be. Just be here now. This moment is the only moment we can fully live in. Trust divine timing. Trust your innate wisdom. Trust that whatever is meant for you will come and reveal itself; appear and be manifested.
The more out loud and whole we live in our truth – the more loving and compassionate we are to ourselves – the more our life flows fully in a state of honor and respect. When we live in this, we invite and share it with everything and everyone around us.
May you live in the flow of your truth of being with what is. May you live in the flow of what is true and the real You.
At the innermost part and depth of You, You know. Invite the blessing of being You forth.
“Our old self is gone. Our new self is not fully realized yet.” Unknown
We are happening; individually, together.