A Mantaray.   Wow.   How graceful and beautiful they swim through the seas.  Doing what they do…  Foraging, swimming, flapping elegance and soaring.

I was blessed to see this with my very own eyes the other day.  There is one that seems to be hanging out in this same area of water on a daily basis.  We say hello to each other.  I send it love.  I feel like it sends me an invitation to own my own grace.

Grace – ‘dexterity, ease, elegance, dignity, refinement, allure, balance, consideration’ from the Thesaurus.

Yesterday, I was watching it and another popped up next to it and before I knew it a third one surfaced.  Then there were three (3).

I went to look up the spiritual meaning of 3 and what showed up is that the number 3 can be about communication, adventure, inspiration, creation, self-expression, joy, optimism, enthusiasm and splendid spontaneity.

I wish for You the blending of grace, flow, peace, harmony and trust while maneuvering and adjusting to and through your life like this ‘bird of the ocean’.  Be spontaneous if you want to.  Open to your joy.  It is okay to be optimistic and enthused for reasons only you may understand.

This is your life. You get to maneuver, adapt and flow in a way that living You is so right on and beautiful to You.  !

May you open up and soar into the true freedom and love that is You(rs).