Are you looking for answers… Are you looking for positive change… Are you seeking your best health… Are you seeking your best life…
Look within.
If you want to win the ‘war’, go ‘raw’.
Live from your available wisdom that is within you while gathering and processing the knowledge you learn.
Go Raw. Raw You. [Natural. Unprocessed. You.]
Raw conversations.
Raw vulnerability.
Raw food.
Raw relationships.
Raw truth.
Raw movement.
Raw trust. Start with trusting yourself.
Live in yours. Live it lovingly out loud.
There may, sometimes, be a war inside. A war within ourselves. Could be between our heart and our mind. Could be between our inner wisdom and what we studied or were shown/told.
Live in the rawness of You. Win the war. Do not live in anything that your innate guidance knows is not for You.
Win the war. Say yes to what uplifts you and allows you to be the truest, most raw version of You.
Make friends with the knowledge you keep because your wisdom tells you to. Love through it and to it.
Rawness wins the war. And in truth, as we live the truest, most open version of who we are through courage and love, there is no war, there is only You, Us, whole.
I wish you all that You are free of any war(s). Boom.