The Promise.   The promise of fascination in each day.  The promise of life and living when we wake up to another day.  The promise that there will be lessons, challenges, wins, awesomeness and a multitude of life living moments.

I am learning, loudly today, that the promises to one’s self are maybe the most important ones.  As I promise to connect with someone.  As I promise to do something.  As I promise to share.  As I promise to live… As I promise myself…  In these promises is the life that I want to be true to.  There is no other reason to make a promise.  Broken promises can be hurtful.  Broken promises that we break ourselves affect us greatly too.  I am not being true to me if I break a promise I made to myself or to another.

I want to honor myself and honor You by honoring my promises.

I promise to do my very best to bring my true self; my true feelings; my true experiences; my true how I am in each ‘now’ moment with me wherever I am, whatever I do, whatever I share, however I feel.

With living in my truth of every situation, circumstance, feeling, relationship and moment, I allow self-fascination to take hold and whatever comes from this, is the ‘this’ that is supposed to be so.

May You bring the truth of You into all that You breathe.   May you feel the fascination of ‘Just Being You’.    

You opening to You Just Being U…  What fascination. !!