My old roommate and high school friend is coming to visit me this weekend!  Yay!  It is amazing how this person that I was is still inside of me.  I can feel her.  I can connect to her.  She is me.  I am her.  The power of it is beautiful.

I am different, and I am the same.

I remember when I was personal training full time – all the time – and I had an old(ish) couple – 87 years old; both of them.  I remember at one point they danced together on their living room floor for me.  They were slower, creakier (perhaps), and the joy on their faces and in their hearts just filled the room.  It was priceless.  They were the young couple who went out dancing on a regular basis for just those few moments again.  I will always be grateful for that experience.

So, here comes another experience for me.  To connect to who I was to who I am and just the experience of this with my 40 year faithful and beautiful relationship with this extraordinary woman.  Yay!

Come on down my friend! Let’s dance and play in the sun in whatever manner works for us today, as we are.

We love on and through.  We live on and through.  We are always and forever.

May you love on and through.  Live on and through.  Be U always and forever. 

Perhaps, this is the process of life.  May you trust it.