May God bless us with sanity and ongoing support to stay sane during any challenging times.   Amen.

Life seems to balance itself out.  Life also seems to balance many of our lives in their totality out.

Opposition/resistance can sometimes push us deeper into what we are resisting.

Perhaps, try flowing with and through being as true to your feelings, needs and experiences as possible.  There is sanity in this and what can be a healthy way of being and choosing to feel (through deep awareness) may be our greatest self-attraction to life and living now.

I pray that you stop at times, check in with yourself.

I pray that you stop at times, step outside of yourself and look in – see You; look at You.

I pray that you always let your love lead You; as often and as much as possible.

I pray that when peace comes, joy and fun happen and vice versa.

Maybe, non-judgement is best.

Maybe, in these times, discovery is the better goal.

Maybe, to be true, loving, kind, open and real is what constitutes what matters most.

Whatever matters most to You, may you invite it by being true, loving, authentic You and creating forward from this way of being/living You.

I wish You your best of self.

Do no harm to yourself or to others.

Chill and let it be your truth and your openness that You choose.

I pray.