Life.  You are the one that can ‘create-it-to-be’ through your innate knowledge, your belief in it and actually imagining the feeling of what it feels like to live the life you dream and/or know to be yours.

With so much unsettled and an opening up of so many things just now, it may be one of the best times ever to create your best [most true, most You] reality.

Get silent and what do you hear?  Breathe and what do you feel?  What do you want to speak?  What is in you to create?  What do you enjoy?  What do you Not want as part of your dream(s) for yourself?

If you could do anything at all, what would it be now?

Are there places you want to go?  People you want to experience or experience life as?  Things that call to You?  Feelings that keep coming up?  Desires that stand strong?

All you need do is breathe, feel, experience this moment and open your heart and mind.

What comes to you can be yours.  You don’t need to worry.  It’s best to let love.

Combining the innermost you with your life as it is now — just the consciousness/awareness of it with your own truth and trust, will lead you on your best paths forward.

Whatever is meant for You will happen.  There is nothing or no one that can stop what is truly meant for You.

Breathe into your dreams through the all-knowing silent nature that is You(rs) and gently invite up the feelings that are inside of You.  Let this combination draw you out and forward.

May you paint a picture in your mind of what you want your life to be like and allow the reality of it to begin.

Perhaps, there is no better time than now.

May you live out loud into your most favorite realities from the raw and honest depth of You.