“Every time we do something uplifting and positive for our self or another, it raises the vibration of the world.
There is a fight between evil and good just now. You are the good. Stay in your truth as best you can.
You’re phenomenal.”
I wrote this to someone recently, I immediately felt like this would be a blog post I would like to share.
Life feels heavy. Times feel heavy. Situations and circumstances can feel heavier than usual. Change is occurring rapidly. Rapid fire information is bombarding us. The information I am receiving does not tie together nicely or make a whole lot of sense.
It feels best to go within and feel the information there. What is my truth… What am I feeling… What can I do in this moment to relax and empower myself.
As we feel empowered and loved, we tap into the true flow that ignites our best and highest self.
There is magic in the air and it truly is your truth and you living through it with as much love as possible.
How we feel and what we wish and where we are and where we are going… Letting love lead us instead of anger or something that can feel habitual. Letting kindness and trust instead of worry. Opening to what actually is instead of ignoring the painful parts. Filling ourselves up with our own love. Wishing the same for others… This is the magic that will transform our world. This is the reality that is.
May you process your reality of what is with an open mind and heart and a willingness to see/think differently. Let You meet your true self and your true life in your trueness of what is.
You are the answer you are looking for. Set your true self free. It and You are phenomenal; truly.