“If you avoid conflict to keep the peace, you start a war inside yourself.” Unknown
Wow. Wow. I am liking this one a lot. Brava. Bravo. Yes.
I never much liked conflict. I still do not find it relaxing as I find myself holding on to this same belief.
I am starting to look at it differently. Conflict may appear/show up as to open doors to kindness, openness, vulnerability and to create for ourselves a better understanding of living and/of each other.
Every time I was forced to face conflict, (it very often had to come to a ‘force’ pushing me to it to make me go ‘there’) it almost always came out with a solution to a better way. Most of us want to support each other and feel connected and cared for. Most of us care. I was often the ‘go-between’, the ‘peacekeeper’, the ‘spiritual wayfinder’ that would lead the person(s) and situation(s) through the conflict that had arisen and/or was present.
It was never fun in the beginning. And when I found myself in the center of it open to delve deep and for everyone to be heard, there were always willing participants and caring people that were open to find a solution. Now, that to me, is one of life’s greatest blessings; greatest joys. To create peace where there is adversity or misunderstanding through miscommunication or lack thereof. It is a wide open door if we let it be. To feel heard and to know we matter instead of turning off, running from, be uneasy or letting anger fly free.
When I don’t say something that is important to me at the same time my truth and my feelings arise, I am allowing conflict within myself. I am hiding. I am making what matters to me unimportant. I am, perhaps, making myself small. When I speak up, out and from the truth of what arises for me, I am showing courage and love. I am showing trust and vulnerability. I am putting it ‘on the table’ so to speak so others may do the same. No matter. This is what I choose because I am giving myself the freedom to Be Me. This is a freedom to create and live in my own peace. This is a vulnerability that allows change for me; for others; for the situation. And I like this possibility a lot. When it works [and it usually does], I love the outcome. It is a big deal. It is the world I want to live in.
May you give yourself the freedom to Be U.
If this is the world I want to live in, I must be willing to live it through myself first, perhaps.
May you be aware if you feel conflict, do you keep it to yourself and, maybe, create war within or do you address it with love and openness to process, dissolve or alter it into a better way.
Conflict means a disharmony of action, feeling, or effect. When we speak into the conflict with everything that brings it about for us, it is the only possible chance of resolving or changing it so the feeling of it will not fester and grow.
It always eventually shows up to be addressed in different, louder, more serious and more harsh forms.
Jump towards conflict to walk through it with the best of intention and to know what the reality of it is and, maybe, even where it comes from.
May we all care with open, loving hearts and minds. Oh the beauty that lives within this place of openness and love.
May you know it. breathe it, live it, be it.
Peace not War. Oh the things we can accomplish and empower through this way of living. Praying for good for all. Harmony and homeostasis/equanimity for all.