Pain. What an interesting and (can be) scary thing.
Pain asks us to Pay Attention I Need your awareness and love.
I often want to ignore it. I often wanted to numb it. I am often afraid of feeling it. I have learned to honor it.
I have known pain most of my life. On and off. More on than off.
Scleroderma is a dis-ease that has shown me great pain and taught me great love and empathy. Peace was my biggest yearning for a long time.
To pay attention, honor and love through is what creates peace to me. I have finally connected to the peace that comes from being me.
The more I honor and match what is going on within me with what I show on the outside of me – in thorough vulnerability and kindness – the more at peace I am.
Pain lessens. Experiencing love and connection to ‘me being me’ increases. Peace blooms and endures.
There are still moments of un-peace. In the now, as I am – accepting and bringing my authentic self into all that life shows me, I invite peace.
In peace, I can adventure forward. In peace, I can breathe more deeply. With peace, I can most easily share love. As peace, I rise from the depth of myself.
And above life’s woes – or is it below them or maybe even through them – I grow. I am led. I live open to seeing, feeling, knowing and being the ‘silver lining’ of mostly all that feels difficult.
Humans have angst. It comes from wanting life to be different than what it is. The word ‘should’ pops up in my mind. I have learned to not ‘should’ on myself or others. The word should often brings angst.
Honoring what is, as it is, and bringing my true and loving self into and through it is what fulfills my soul’s purpose and helps to keep my heart open.
When we are not in attack and/or defense mode, we are in the flow mode Growth happens more freely. Understanding opens up. Dreams become reality. Universal love heals us. The universe within us and this conglomerate of life we all live in always has the ability to healing.
May you open to universal openness of your own heart, mind, soul and body.
Let your universal wisdom and awareness, together, create the peace that is You being You.
Feel any pain that shows up for You to pay attention to. Honor it in your best way. Learn from it. Be true to it. What if we could sometimes think of pain as a sensation that alerts us into a deeper understanding of our lives and our living.
It can be so UnFun. It can be a way to acceptance and healing of You honoring You.
May we honor and love. May we grow and become. May we live true and love through.
May You realize the peace that awaits your invitation and allows you the freedom to live through trusting yourself and self love.
Through your own given freedom to live in your truth, peace and love, just maybe, the pain lessens and the depth of your You-ness rises and soars.