Discord. Confusion. Awareness. Mindfulness. New ways. New times. Really Amazing Moments.
I can feel it. I hear it. I see it. From many. From within and around myself.
Is it because we are not where we are going, yet. Not where we were. But on our way…
Is it because the elephant in the room is no longer able to be ignored. The dirt is not so easily swept under the rug… I hope so. I pray so. I believe in You. I believe in us. I believe in our God and the universal energy flow and way. I believe in our collective knowledge, wisdom and caring of ourselves and one another.
You have been thru so much. How can you not feel all that you are feeling…
Breathe. Be. Honor.
Divine Time. Divine Way. We do not even have to try when we are being asked (forced) to be our own true selves. Just Be You. That is who God wants You to be. The real, authentic, vulnerable truth deep down in your core. Let You be oUtstanding in blessing and loving the You that is truly You. From your own loving truth share the realest real You; thru compassion, empathy, kindness and free yourself of anything not of You.
May you be oh so true and loving to His creation – YOU. ‘Everything You’ desiring to live free.
Whatever your beliefs, you are here now for the individual and collective purpose of supporting, creating and shifting our world’s way for inclusion and loving support for all living creatures and things.
In unity and respect, we rise up from discord and create the course for all to live fully from their birthright and through the wisdom and blueprint that resides within each of us.
Let’s get it on. Now.