Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemy —

As I open up to be my own best friend, I let go of the mean and hurtful thoughts and things I can find myself telling myself.

I am deeply working through my own layers of what feels like multiple onions.  I am open to learn.  I am open to receive good and easy answers.  I am open to change with the help of knowing how.  I am open to being free.  I am open to living from my heart.  I am open to living the truth of myself.  I am open to show/live on the outside what I feel on the inside.

I am open to the best me possible.

May you be your own best friend.  May you be open to being and living the best you possible.  

May you let ‘happy’ happen even in situations that can be true and working reasons for unhappiness.

We are happy because we choose happy.  We are happy because we work at looking at the brighter side of things.  We are happy because that is who we are and who we want to be.

I choose happy.

I certainly do not know everything.  I certainly don’t have all the answers.  I certainly am not liking some of my only options that come to certain situations.  I certainly can still connect to happy.

‘Happy’ is always within our reach.  Sometimes, perhaps, we need to use different meanings of the word happiness to think of ourselves as happy.

And, there is always something to be grateful for.

Live from gratitude.  Connect to your happy.  Be the You that You want to be.

May you meet yourself where you are at and allow contentment of believing in your own strength to be ‘in your pocket’ and easily and readily available to you; as often and as much as possible.

We humans have tremendous strength.

May you be gentle and let love carry this strength and know that it is present for your use whenever you choose to breathe and tap in.

Tap into the magic of You.