As you find yourself overwhelmed and/or in a state of confusion, perhaps, ask yourself what is my goal in this very moment.
Asking for help is not only a gift for You, but a gift for the one that gets enjoyment out of helping. As you enjoy helping others, allow these ‘others’ to enjoy the pleasure and ‘feel good’ to help/support You.
We cannot live in the future so bring your senses and your whole being into this now. We cannot truly live in the past, it is over and behind us. We can really only truly live in this present moment. It is in this moment that we can feel, smell, touch, taste and look upon it with our eyes.
Our minds can travel many places. Our minds are most productive when we allow them to be present to what is. Open to what is now. Experience what is from the best option and train of thoughts than we can.
Enjoy where you are at today. It may not be possible tomorrow. Live the happy/love here now, it may not be able to be replicated again.
May you live in what is good in your life; now, in this moment. If you cannot easily find, feel or touch the good, open to your love, acceptance and faith that as you bring your loving truth into this moment, your best paths and possibilities come to light.