There is a nothingness; a knowing of very little; a quiet and silence that I am experiencing just now.

No words, thoughts, ideas come to mind or are flowing through me.

‘Nothingness’ feels like the right title just now.

It has been said that “we are all just walking each other home”.  Ram Dass

It seems to me, after being out and about all day today, that many (maybe most of us) do not understand this ‘walk’ or know the true reality of it.  In our current situation of life as it is, many of us are uncertain of walking through each day.

Nothing is ‘normal’.  ‘Normal’ has left our world.  What we once knew to be normal is being questioned, challenged, rearranged and, perhaps, we are being invited to let go of ‘normal’ and welcome ‘what is’.

May you let ‘what is’ through what is love, trust and truth to You.  Walk with the feeling of being You inviting your easiest, most authentic and kindest parts of You to come forth the loudest and lead your way.

From your honest deduction of what is not You, You are home.

From your most fulfilled way of participating, You are home.

You are home when what is going on within You is invited and given your permission and help to live outside of You.

This is You being Home, here and now.

The ‘home’ Ram Dass talked about is – I always thought and felt from within myself  – home where our soul and spirit fly and our body and mind rests and our heart beats no more but, spiritually, holds this and, perhaps, many life times near to us and eternal.  The soul is the wisdom.  The spirit is the passion.  This is our ultimate home where we roam free anywhere and everywhere without any confines.

Note:  After typing this, I googled Ram Dass and it is said that he was referring to home as our true essence as well.   Hoot

May you connect to and live from your own deeply embedded wisdom and your most joyful, fully encompassed and ingrained passions.  

May you live in this world; as much and as often as possible, from your unique home where You are simply and epically living You.

Our true essence is our purpose for being.   Own it precious and unique One.  Own everything You.

Perhaps, nothingness is also everything…