The complexity and the beauty of life.

Life is loud.  Life is gentle.  Life rolls through.  Life flows through.  Life storms through.

Life.   We are it.  Now, in this moment, we live it.

This is life.  Now, as we are.  Now, as it is.

With our hearts, minds and souls open, we take our bodies to the places that we are meant to experience.  When we contract and/or close down, we experience feelings that help grow us into new steps and new chapters.  This is the process of life.  All of It.  All of You.

Life can get dark.  And, it is usually darkest before the light; the knowing; the understanding; the flow.

May you experience what you are experiencing through the deep truth of who you are and what you feel.  Invite tenderness to walk with you.

Tenderness is a choice.  Try it on, perhaps.