Morning sunrise. Clouds and contrast.  Points of view.  Color.  Reflection.  Unique.  Natural.  Authentic.  Solid.  Yet transparent.

We can learn a lot by nature.  The nature in our world.  Our own nature.

When we step into each moment fully present and aware, we step into the nature of the moment exactly as it is being shown to us.

May you step into the journey of You.

May you be mindful and aware.  Go for what calls to You.   So much awesome is available.  Sometimes we have to look a bit deeper or longer but there is always a great plentitude of beauty that awaits You.

This was my message that I received from the morning ‘awakening’ today.

May you add your own by just being open to the awesome beauty that you choose to see and allow in.

May you step into the journey of You(rs) that lights you up.  

You…  Choose what you wish to experience.  Thank You.

When you find yourself not connecting to, seeing or experiencing something that is in alignment with your soul, align yourself with your breath.  You aligned with your breath opens you to what is possible and calling to You in the moment.