Moonshadow – to engage in ‘moonshadowing’ is to clear emotions of sorrow and pain by opening to them, honoring them, feeling them and letting them out in whatever loving means feels best and right for you.
We often hold these feelings inside our body; often without knowing it. We can bury them deep from childhood. We can hold them in as we don’t feel safe to express them. We can hold onto them as we are too afraid and/or uncomfortable to be vulnerable at a time when these feelings show up.
I find myself very quiet. Enjoying a newfound stillness. Sitting with myself and who I am and who I want to be; what I want to add to my life – what I want to let go of ‘what is’ for me just now.
Introspection comes to mind. Contemplation. Reflection. Searching my Heart. Connecting to my Soul.
It’s a lovely place to be especially when I completely allow myself to go inward when something within myself is requesting same.
It is a lovely feeling to love deeply all that I am.
It is a lovely feeling to honor my hurts, pain, idiosyncrasies and unique ways.
May you choose to honor what is being requested of You by feeling it, hearing it; instinctually or just ‘what is’ going on with You. May you be open to your own ‘moonshadows’. Open to, honor, feel and allow whatever comes up to flow within, through and out.
Gentle love works really well here. Truth. Trust. Flow. Ownership. Great kindness.
There is such a depth in you that goes on and on and on. So many beautiful colors and facets. So much dimension and so many possible expansions.
Let you Be You. Get good with Yourself.
This is how we uplift our own lives and uplift others and uplift the world.
Let’s. ! I am with You. I care. You matter. You are so Enough.