“Earth will get a second moon for about two months this year when a small asteroid begins to orbit our planet. The asteroid was discovered in August and is set to become a mini-moon, revolving around Earth in a horseshoe shape from Sept. 29 to Nov. 25.” Google
Mini Me. Our self as a child. They are always with(in) us.
May you let the child that you were walk with the adult that you are. Play. Love. Be.
Perhaps, imagine ‘mini-you’ sitting on your lap and/or hugging/holding them; thanking them and shower them with any and all love and support they may crave. Together, live your whole, fulfilling and amazing self.
Thank yourself for all that you are grateful to yourself for. For all you survived; for all that you are proud of; for all that you are and are becoming; for all your growth; for all your accomplishments; and for still choosing love and kindness.
Perhaps, look in the mirror and tell the person looking back (You) how much you love them; again and again and again.
Perhaps, write down as many things as possible you love about yourself. Invite your list to grow.
May you be your own best friend. You are the only one you spend your entire life with. Treat yourself exceptionally.
When we are our true and fulfilled self, we are our best self. Sharing our best self feels, well, best.
Heal and uplift thyself which, in turn, heals and uplifts the world.
As the moon(s) orbit(s) the planet, may we be open to our journey being one of kindness, humanity and bringing healing for ourselves and our world. Let us invite and create a more harmonious world for ourselves, our children and all living things.
Thank You.
Amen. And so it is.