Merry You. Merry Me. Merry Us.
Merry because we believe in something larger than our self.
Merry because we have a choice to believe.
Merry because we have things that are enjoyable in our life to be grateful for.
Merry because we love.
Merry because we are loved.
There is one person (or more) in your world that You are important to.
There is one person (or more) in your world that they are important to You.
You can be everything to You.
Merry, like happy is a choice.
Merry, like happy is an ‘inside job’.
Merry is the honor to honor and be honored.
May you choose merry as much and as often as possible.
When merry seems out of reach there are things one can do and be.
Just be and breathe. Trust the process of life. Trust yourself. Trust divine timing and that when there is something for you to do, you will know what it is and will be able to do it. Learn what you want for yourself and believe it to be possible in whatever amount is available to you just now. It is a start.
Do something kind for yourself.
Do something kind for another. This is a gift for both the person you are kind to and yourself.
Call someone. Reach out to someone. Write down five things you are grateful for.
It is part of life to not be merry or happy all the time. Life is filled with moments that represent many emotions.
Trust that what you feel is real and there is a purpose to feeling so.
Let love; your love, lead You.
Relax into what You are feeling. Everything changes.
You. Me. Us.
We are here to learn, grow, be, do and serve.
There can be ‘merry’ in all of what we are.
Choosing not to label what is and just allow life to flow through You can be a good way to invite, let in, let go and let life be so. Let you and your life happen.
What if there was no good or bad, merry or sad, wrong or right… What if this is life as it is and to let it all flow through You and walk into, out of and let your love be present for You and for your life experiences. One can always choose love. It helps to believe that every one and every thing is doing their very best and it is the very best road for growing, becoming and letting the uniqueness of what is You thrive through your very own love being present.
Perhaps, it is the merriest of ways.
I see a pattern happening with these current posts.
Honor thyself. Honor what is. Honor others. Honor each breath as your body breathes through and on.
My love to you. From my heart to yours. Let us honor this moment and fill up with honor and go forward with honor, love and who/what/where we are. As often and as much as possible.
What is the merry that is present for you just now… May you open to the merriment of You. It can be what you are used to. It can be a whole new kind. It may be a whole new way. Believe it is there and present for You. Amen.