A lot of information of deluge proportions seem to be all around me; running through me.
Professionalism. Affected. Love. Discord. Accordance. Conundrums. Unknown. Stirring up. Self-placement.
Oh, the conversations I have with myself are in opposition, have grandeur and every time I end up in settling myself in my own peace. Sometimes it takes me longer than other times and I get there.
One reason is that I know there’s magic when I see it. Something so much bigger than myself. I see it in many different ways; hear it in many different thoughts; feel it throughout my body and recognize it in so many people and things.
The beauty, the colors; love.
There is. You are. I am.
I know there is magic in You. If you are breathing, magic is running through You; into you and from you.
May we, together, build from our own connection to the magic that is relative to each of us.
May you be your beautiful, colorful and lovely self. Who You are is magical. May you be open to it as so.