Life. We connect to things that make us feel happy. We connect to things that make us feel scared. We connect to things that make us feel challenged. We connect to things that make us feel empowered and wonderful. We connect to things that connect us to certain feelings, experiences and thoughts within who we are and our beingness.
At times, we disconnect. We disconnect when our minds or bodies do not want to participate in what is. We disconnect to things that do not feel supportive or happy with.
Sometimes, we (or I do at least) connect and run.
How interesting, just maybe, that the truth is that what you connect to with an outcome of love and excitement, I may connect to the same thing through discomfort and dismay.
Each one of us connects to feel different feelings; different outcomes. What one of us connects to another may disconnect. What one of us runs towards, others may run away from.
This is our uniqueness. This is our authentic growth and beingness. This is the child within us. This is the experiences we have experienced. This is us in the now experiencing who we are and what we tell to ourselves.
Neither of us is right or wrong. We are both true to what we know from and through our experiences and our human truth.
What uplifts me doesn’t mean it has to uplift You. What challenges me, you may find comfort or ease in.
The magic of this truth is that we both own our truth in the moment. It just happens.
Be aware of what is true for ourselves. Be mindful. Allow. Own. Feel. Process. Then guide and decide on the outcome we prefer now and know that it is very possible to keep or change the outcome of how something affects us.
We are this powerful. We have the magic in us to choose, create and live keeping these feelings and relationships to what is as it is or changing our feelings and relationships to what we want to experience now and going forward.
May you look around and see (and feel) what brightens your being… See and feel what darkens your feels.
Have these feelings been learned… Do you wish to keep them… Do you wish to alter them…
The power of You is empowered through mindfulness, awareness, ownership and transformation; evolving, doing and thinking differently.
Look around. There is always something to light up our soul.
There is always something that when we put our attention, mind, thoughts and behavior towards it, in a way that empowers us in each moment and/or situation, the magic is right there within us waiting to be called on.
You matter. You choose. The choice is yours. I believe in You. May You believe in yourself.
Case in point.. what comes to my mind just now is that most of my life I have chosen to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Elevators always scared me. Then I purchased a condo on the 21st floor knowing this big fear of mine. I wanted that condo more. Guess who takes the elevator now and was able to open to the magic of transforming my thinking — ‘magic’.
Is there something You prefer to live through a different ‘lens’ with… Create, feel and transform in and through the magic of You.