I’m feeling anger come up. The pissed off-ness. The resentment. The ‘ugly’; as I always referred to these feelings as. Noooo. These feelings do not have to be ugly. They surely can be hurtful when not processed in a safe/mindful way. They can look ugly. They have felt ugly.
Today, I choose to let them be beautiful. Beautifully real. I invite my anger to come up. I sit with it. I move with it. I release it by hitting a pillow, screaming in my car, or going for a run. I run into it. I run with it. I bow to it. I own it as I delve into it. I stand for me.
It can be invigorating. Freeing to release the tension within me. I need not share it with anyone else to allow it, feel it, know it and let it go. I thank it as it (and I) are sticking up for me.
What I have felt and buried. What I have witnessed and took on. What I have experienced that was a complete ‘UnFun’. I let it all go. I release it. I release me. I am free. From my past and going forward.
May you release your ‘beautiful’ anger and be free.