I come here without anything on my mind to share. I feel quiet. I feel when I ask myself when enough is enough, then it is probably enough Ha.
The world can feel messy. The world can feel amazing. The world can feel ‘interesting’. The world can feel enough.
Our lives can feel messy, amazing, interesting and anywhere from not enough to enough to too much. I hope you can land on enough again and again and again.
May you stand in the truth that you feel, that you are experiencing, that you are surrounded by and that you are in… Be in the truth of all that shows up for you and through you.
If there is confusion or uncertainty, perhaps, stand outside of yourself (so to speak) and look in. When you feel uncertain, may you ask yourself what is one thing that feels good to do or think just now that is available to you. Now. Just now. In this moment. In this breath. What makes you feel most like You. Most true to You. Go there with everything possible.
Step by step. Reel by reel. Do by do. Be by be. Truth through love.
May you do something that gives yourself your own love.
You can fill yourself up. You can fulfill your self; your life’s meaning. You are unique.
May you let yourself be your unique self.
May you let love.
Try it. You just may love You
How beautiful that would be; this is.
May you just be your beautiful self; as much and as often as possible.
Know thy beautiful self. Oh yeah.