I am learning to listen with my whole being.  Through my ears, my heart, my feelings, what emotions come up and really hear what I am listening to.  And, once processing the listening, respond with my loving and calm truth as best as possible.

For others to hear us and acknowledge us is a grand gift.  For us to hear others and acknowledge their experience(s) they share is a grand gift.

May we listen to each other.  Listen to ourselves.  Just listen.

Perhaps, when we learn to hear, acknowledge and respond from within our truth to another or to each situation, we best learn to hear our own self and acknowledge and respond lovingly to our own thoughts, feelings, emotions.  We grow in such a life affirming way.

Whether we listen and hear ourselves first or another – any place is a good place to start, to practice to live in, through and forward responding to what we openly and consciously hear.

Listen.  It is what is lifechanging…

I heard someone say ‘Step outside of yourself and look in.’  That certainly felt ‘cool’ to me.  Exciting and oh so interesting.

Warm hugs, no harsh judgment; just be; just listen and know how you are affected as much as you allow another to speak of their experience whether you understand it or not.

May we all lovingly listen through.