There is light.  There is dark.  Many, not all, of us label light as good; dark as not.  I have labeled upbeat and happy good, down and out not so good frequently in the past.

It is my goal to still love, still know I can be helpful and know I am enough whatever mode of humanness I am in.

Just what if I stopped labeling.  What if I just let it be what it is.  Experience it as it is.  Bring my true self into situations and relationships as they show up.  Walk through without labeling.

We all have our own labels for what we do and who we are.  Wife, mother, personal trainer, life coach…  Who are we without our labels…  Perhaps, this is who we really are on the deepest of levels.  Where we are all the same.  Is this the place love, spirit and soul hangs out without fluctuating; remaining on, constantly vibrating same.

May we meet each other, as often as possible, where our love, spirt and soul hangs out.

What feels lighter, what feels darker — perhaps, it all belongs.  It is, for now, all a part of the human experience.. the human journey.

As we live from the place within that homes, knows and grows love, spirit and soul-filled ways, perhaps, the human journey may change and be recreated into a place that we all support each other’s light and dark in uplifting, soulful, and loving ways only.

Until then, may you always look at/for the lighter side of things; as much and as often as possible.  There is always a lighter, brighter ‘something’ amidst what can feel dark, scary, heavy and unclear.

May You lighten up, turn on the light, be the light, feel light.  Let your lightheartedness dazzle You.   Shine your light.  Enlightenment awaits You.

May You open your mind and let your innate wisdom, love, spirt and soul come forth.