The light along the horizon….
You are light. Living in your truth fully, openly, lovingly…
Meeting yourself where you are is the source of power and empowerment that shines our humanness forth and our love to grow. Individually, together – we survive and thrive.
‘Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It is learning to dance in the rain.’ Vivian Greene
We would not know light without the dark. Darkness is part of the light. To be true to what feels dark to you adds light to it.
In my darkest of times, I have grown and learned the depth of my humanness. It has made me go deeper and tap in further. It has taught me things I never would have learned otherwise.
May you tap in to your love deeper and deeper. Let your love lead You through any and every storm. Your loving truth is your light. Your innate knowing is your light. The love you connect to and share is your light. May you fill yourself up with it; with You.
May you see it, be it, live it, create it, know it, believe it, feel it.
May you trust in the process of life and trust in yourself having everything you need for Your lifetime inside of You.
Your survival rate thus far is 100%. Pretty great odds.
Light up your loving truth and thrive.