Lifeline – “A vital line of access or communication”

I have needed/wanted many lifelines through my lifetime thus far.

Friends, family, work, play, love, faith, nature have blessed me, many times, with great pleasures.   

My connections and connected to my feelings have driven me and uplifted me wondrously and gratefully.  

My experiences and beliefs have given me strength.   My learning and lessons have taught me magic and consistency. 

My desire for survival has shown me my way through and forward.    

Love shines from within me and connects me to love outside of myself.  Same with kindness, genuineness, vulnerability and empowerment.   

Animals have been wonderful companions to me.   Dogs, cats, birds, fish, horses, bunnies, guinea hens, hamsters and even hermit crabs.   

Everything I have connection with is my teacher and I graciously believe and hope there have been students too.  

Outside my window from the 21st floor overseeing the intracoastal and the ocean, in line with the sky and the clouds – as I call it my ‘live entertainment’ – I am constantly reminded of the certainty of miracles, togetherness, magic, and in flowing with and in just being me is the most productive/real way of life.   The ever present promise of grace and trust in the divine [not always knowing the way but allowing our loving truth] opens the very best ways through and forward.

May you be present in what ever entertains and feels like the promise of ‘Just Being You’ is the most valuable, uplifting and empowering wisdom and gift that You are.   

Perhaps, the greatest belief is knowing that there is nothing that is already meant for You that can be stopped from happening for You.  There is everything within You that makes your whole life possible, doable, beautiful and, perhaps, already written.  The most true and self trusting You are, the more fulfilling and ‘wow’ your life can be.  

Let You and Your feelings, imperfections, questions, openness, trust and truth happen.

May you let You happen.  May you connect to the lifelines that uplift, show up and restore and replenish You being You; whatever they are for You.