“Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” John Lennon
There is no need to be other than who I am. Accepting and just being who I am frees me to fully experience the life that is meant for me through being me.
Life flows. Let it.
Perhaps, to find a self-stability in ever-changing change is a pretty good goal to incorporate.
Do not run from one’s life; run into it; towards it.
As I dwell in the integrity of myself, I float. Sinking is impossible.
See and feel what is beautiful in your life. Live there. Focus here.
Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.. Stop this.
Be your own best friend.
Tell the person looking back at you in the mirror that you love them.
When you don’t have anything nice to say, find something.
Smiling releases feel-good hormones. Did you just smile…
I wish you peace.
I wish you excitement.
I wish you You with a childlike curiosity and nature.
What brings you joy, do that.
You matter. I care.
You are love(d).
May you be so kind to yourself that you love being with yourself. Let it be one of your favorite things to Just Be U.