Life can feel heavy just now. In moments, in situations, in relationships, in ourselves.
Change is abundant. Confusion is possible. Flow is being disturbed.
We are g(r)o(w)ing from what we thought was ‘normal’ to what we may be realizing there isn’t a normal. There is uniqueness. There is love.
May you live in and through any uniqueness and everything love.
How you may ask… I’d like to offer this:
Perhaps, if possible.. Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be. For the lessons and life you are supposed to live. Do your best – if you want to – to not fight it and flow with it.
There is much that is truly and totally out of your control. [What is in your control is to] Open to the best of it; the truth of You. Trust that God/the Universe has You right where You are best to be just now.
Breathe. Live in and on the good side of your experiences. If there is one. Sometimes we may have to look harder, closer and deeper than other times.
We truly can do what we want. It is the self permission to do so that can mess with many of us.
Breathe in. Out. In. Out. Deep into your belly. Slooowly. Deeeply. Relax and let go on each exhale. Let what is underneath you support you fully. Just be and breathe for now.
May you give yourself a reprieve; a respite; a break; a breather.
Know that there is always love, always peace inside of You. Be true to how you are experiencing life and flow with what is through your loving truth and open mind, heart and spirit. Trusting in yourself is really helpful too.
Are you living from a habit that was created once upon a time to survive and/or are you here now more equipped than before…
Permission to let go of what does not feel good. Permission to live in what feels best in this moment from moment to moment. The rest will take care of itself. It always works out when we live from our truth, through our trust; open anew.
Relax into ourselves and the current situation /experience and let love – our love – walk with us and in us.
You being YOU is the gift. Be present.
May you love yourself through.
Let there be Light and Lightness. Open to it. Invite it up.
You are so Love(d).
Relax your shoulders. Relax your whole body. Feel yourself drop down into You.
May you be the light and the lightness of everything You.