What an interesting time. Deep lessons are being shown most of us and they may not all feel good. And, that is putting it mildly.
May you trust that where you are is exactly where you need to be. Bring your truth to each and every situation and in every breath you take.
May you trust that you will ‘know‘ when you are supposed to ‘know’. May you believe that everything is okay just as it is and may you walk into your own gentle power.
With everyone’s life who is touching mine just now, I feel a reaching out, a standing in one’s truth, a nowhere left to hide and a togetherness in our ‘crazy’. It is certainly discombobulating. The change to a new way of living is here.
It keeps showing up for me again and again and again. In my own life and within others’… Perhaps, the best thing we can do just now is to bring our most loving self forward; our most truthful self into every breath and situation.
This is not the most comfortable place as many of us were taught not to be self-important; to put on a mask while out in public and to put others in front of our own self. We were taught not to speak about hurtful or hard situations. We were taught not to share our complete self with each other. Many of us were taught these things from society, our parents/caretakers and our peers. Many of us bought into this not knowing any different.
We are being summoned from a greater force than merely being human to live exactly opposite of this. We are being challenged with many situations that force us – because there is nothing left to try – to stand in our own power, truth and love just to get through/by the life that is in front of us to live now.
The time has come.
Being YOU is the best gift you can give to yourself, our world and each other.
May you bring and show the real you wherever you go; with compassion/respect for yourself and compassion/respect for every living thing.
Oy, I have a headache! Yikes