I have been looking at where I am in my life and I find myself grateful and in awe. I feel the need to thank each and every one of You for being a part of my life’s journey in whatever capacity You are present which helps me to feel a feeling of connection. Thank You.
I’ve recently hit 725 ‘followers’ on Instagram. I have a few thousand friends on my FB page and a few thousand ‘followers’ on my FB ‘Just 9Be U, llp’ page. I have 100 Twitter people and my lisaungerer.com blog gets 100 a month and my ‘9BeU’ blog gets 400 a month. I know this can be considered small in the social media arena. To me it is huge and I am grateful for You. Really truly grateful. I always send love when a connection is made. I always care about our world; the way we live it; and You. I am present to support feeling good and to show and share kindness.
Just Be You came about because I so strongly wanted to Just Be Me.
I have been blogging since 2010. I never advertised it as I was raw and vulnerable and knew that I did not want to (have to) deal with anything outside of myself then. Blogging taught me a lot about me and I stand stronger in myself now than ever before. I have gone through so many classes and seminars, retreats and alternative therapies.
I’ve been certified in Reiki, Life Coaching, Personal Training and online Ministry.
I love to see, witness and uplift people to feeling whole and living the best of themselves their way.
I was ‘hit’ with a painful, life altering, life threatening dis-ease at 17. I explored, researched, read, met with, tried, experimented with any thing that came up that may have been helpful. Having scleroderma was never fun. It was a ‘cause’ that taught me what life can really be about. To me it is about connection, love, being true to one’s self and caring about others. In these things, the Me that I have become and what I am able to offer out is incredible wisdom, knowledge, strength, gentleness, and love. For this, my gratitude is off the charts. I feel right where I belong (most of the time).
In seeing the big picture, life/universe/God gives us balance, lessons and as good as we can be/know is as low as we can be/go. The opposing factor is currently real.
I believe the chaos, change and the ‘new becoming’ we are living through now is changing that. We will know life more as ‘heaven on earth’ than experiencing the gambit that has been a broad scale of suffering to great joy.
Things we have done, learned, collected all tie together to build the way of who we are and what we do.
Seeing and open to the ‘power of now’ (living moment to moment) is meditation, fulfillment and the conscious state of knowing I am okay. I usually say we can feel and know this being okay above it all and/or is it below it all.. I am now called to say through it all. Through it all we can find and connect to ourselves where we are okay.
As I realize all of our survival rates, thus far, has been 100% so this tells me we do have great odds at being okay through our entire lives. Experiencing and witnessing the ups, downs and everything in between has been the way of life.
Perhaps, we can learn and/or look at life as ‘just is’. Our experiences are experiences. How would it feel not to judge and/or label them good or bad but to experience them as human sensations that are…
Perhaps, that is for another day, time or blogpost.
Again, thank You for showing up, being here, offering me a connection and for You being You and experiencing You in truth, trust, honor and love. Bring You on home to You… Yay!