Hello to You.
I hope you are being good to You and you are treating yourself with love, kindness and being oh so gentle with yourself.
There is much truth within each of us coming up/forward for us – if we choose – to deal with.
To change what we’ve always known. To reprogram what we maybe had programmed for us. To be the truest of true to ourselves and each other.
When I find myself being vulnerable, it almost always turns out to be a great gift and life lesson. My vulnerability takes me and puts me where it is best for me to be/go. I have learned that our own vulnerability invites others’ vulnerability and it wows me every time.
I had written earlier that ‘Love is Powerful and You are Love’.
Well, loving through vulnerability is the most powerful, exquisite, eye-opening, heart-opening, mind-opening, soul pumping thing that can be. It may one of the hardest ways of life to learn for many, yet, it is definitely the most valuable part of being me that I can know, live, be and share. Loving from and through your own vulnerability may just be the most valuable part of being You that you can know, live, be and share.
When we are vulnerable together, the angels sing and our spirits soars.
May you hear/feel the angels sing and see/feel your spirit burst through.
The light within us.. The healing within us.. The knowledge within us.. The gift living from within ourselves out – extraordinary.
I wish it for You. I wish it for All. I wish for what is within us to be the loudest and most loving, exquisite, extraordinary part of us that becomes the every day ordinary way of living.
Now, that’s what I’m talking about and shooting for with every breath I take.
Breath is magic. May you let your breath connect you to the magical true essence that it is – You(rs).
Extraordinary, exquisite, born as, You.
No one else is You. Being You, truly, fully and lovingly, is your super power.