It is the journey that we live in. Moment to moment. Breath to Breath. Situation to situation. Relationship to relationship.
You are the common denominator to/of your journey.
May you realize how you are presenting yourself; showing up; gifting yourself through your journey.
I believe in You. Now is the time to be extra true, gentle, tender, loving and open with yourself, your feelings. Your darkness. Your light. You. Open to the joy of your journey as best You can. Be as true to your journey as best You can. Show up with the wholeness of You in all that you do, think, breathe and are.
Moving through the journey that is You(rs) is the magic that is. Your magic. You are the magic that enables you to decide how you experience You.
Real. Authentic. True. Raw.
Dark. Light. Colors. Mist. Free.
I wish you the best that you have to offer yourself through your journey. You are journeying right now… How You doin’?