Journey into the depth of You. Light the fire that awaits there.
When you do what you love, you connect to the joy and the masterpiece that is You. It can also feel like you master peace within your beingness. This is the difference, perhaps, between living and thriving. It is my belief that we are meant to experience both and everything in between and everything that shows up.
Through silence that allows you to hear your breath and be one with it, we connect to the truest parts of ourselves. Being with our breath can lead us to a more fulfilled life and knowing and an understanding of ourselves.
When we live in this fulfillment, knowing and understanding of ourselves, there are unlimited possibilities living there awaiting our reach and permission.
I wish this for You. You already have it. It is yours to claim.
Breathe. Feel. Know. Be. Do. Mastery.
You and your guiding wisdom – your innate knowing – May you ‘play’ with it.
May you live in and through what you love. You are the one that unlocks, creates and can live fully and authentically in the magic that is You(rs).
Cheers to You.