Integrity – “the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished”
Wow. What a session I had with a fabulous life coach yesterday. Holy Moly.
A new mantra came out of it for me and it reads like this… “I live in my integrity and I find great comfort in it.” Bam. Boom. Wham. Powerfully empowered. Felt so freeing and liberating. True and deep. Happy and High.
When you have a memory, a feeling, an occurrence that keeps coming up to you; for you… may you give it your attention and honor everything about it. The way it makes you feel. The way you experience it. How your body reacts. How your mind reacts. Where in your body are you holding it. Are you ready to let it go? Ready to create anew from it?
May you trust everything your breath breathes into, away from, through and in. Your breath and your truth together has fabulous wisdom and knowledge that holds and invites you to tap into your answers that you seek. Perhaps, whether you know it or not.
Embrace everything You. Fill yourself with love. Breathe into everything You.
I wish you freedom to live what is joyful for you to live. Freedom to let go of what no longer serves You. I wish you the best and highest version of You, your life, your beingness, your calling and your answer to your calling… to Live You; raw, authentic, free and flowing.
May you get to know your concepts that create your integrity.