In this land where we all have ‘landed’ is a strange and beautiful, expansive time and a changing of the way of ‘doing/being human’.
Much is being questioned. Much is being brought out into the light so we can see, feel, learn and grow. We can choose peace and love. We can just angst and hardship. We can choose neutrality. We can choose to experience our experiences in whatever means and methods we wish. We can choose anger. We can choose to show our vulnerable and authentic self. We can pretend. We can be/get real.
Which is your go to choice… Which is your habitual choice… What would be your chosen choice to love the way you live your life through innately knowing what is most happy and fulfilling to You…
In this land and time, more and more of us are learning that we have the power, the right and the responsibility to choose the best for ourselves, our earth, each other, all living creatures and to brighten up the way of living, here now, as One.
We all do best through love. We all want to matter. We all want to be seen and heard. It’s not so much, perhaps, as fitting in anymore. It’s about making a difference and leaving things and people in a better place than when we arrived. Or, at least, not in a place of less than. Even though many know and are realizing less is sometimes better than more.
Oh, the lands on which we all transverse.
May from the ground up, we label it holy. From the sky down, may we label it wonderment.
Perhaps, you are a lover of the land. Whatever your interest(s), may you participate in and through from where you are now to where and what You are here to do.
Let honor, love, wisdom and knowledge drive the joy of You. Be and do You – in and on the land you inhabit – between the limitless possibilities of the earth and the sky.
Namaste. Blessed be. Blessings and love.
May you totally be the awesome You that You were sent here to be.
Life depends on what You do and who You are. Represent. Represent the holy wonderment.
Be the positive You wish to see, experience and grow in our world.
“Thank You in advance for your immediate attention to this matter.” (This was often the last sentence in many of the large number of letters I transcribed, typed and edited 100 years ago as a Secretary. Ha.)