Our world can feel overwhelming in many different ways and places just now. There is pain. There is upheaval. There is hate. There is a closed-off-ness. There may be a wedge of forced openness happening.
I believe some of this is from ‘tradition’ and learned ways. I believe some is through lack of knowledge and/or vision; ignorance. It can be because we have not learned a new, better way yet.
I read something the other day about we humans tell ourselves things and then we believe them.
May you ask yourself if you are believing in things or in something that does not feel good within yourself. Truly and fully good.
May we let go of anything and everything that does not uplift us.
If something does not feel comfortable, perhaps, examine it and ask yourself why. What do You need… What can You do…
Listen to your body. Watch your thoughts. Feel your way. Without judgement or self-name calling. Just awareness, mindfulness. Open heart Open mind.
Feel it and know our feelings are always changing. Emotions are always emoting Or wanting to and willing us to let them.
Let love.
May you often ask yourself how do you feel right now.. totally feel it; as much and as lovingly as possible.
This is processing and letting go of what doesn’t serve us to be the most true, whole human (through our own soul) we can be.
May you let go of anything and everything that does not uplift You and let your spirit be free and soar beautifully.
Let’s take any and all ‘hot mess’ and turn it into unity, support, care and lifting each other up.
Amen. May it be so. It is so.
May you choose unity, support, care and uplifting all life including Mother Earth.
May you experience your own uplifted-ness by choosing this.
May drama and chaos be replaced by peace, wholeness and excitement.
Perhaps, look at wholeness as your heart, soul, mind and body in unison with the unique loving truth that is You(rs); totally You(rs). Innately You.
Thank You.