Honor your truth. Honor your life. Honor your love. Honor your dreams. Honor your ‘now’ as this and each moment is.
See and feel life through your own honor, respect, love, truth and trust.
Honor from deep down inside of You. Fill every cell with honor. Feel your honor come up from inside of you and live it all around you. Feel the trust and honor of yourself knowing you will know what to do when there is something for you to do.
Feel the honor of being patient living from your truth. Allow your mind and heart to be open to your soulful and soul-filled journey.
Honor your soul that carries everything you need for this entire lifetime within it. It has the blueprint for your life. It knows. In opening your heart and mind, connected to your soul, You know. The wisdom of knowing is there within you and with you always.
Honor is “honesty, fairness or integrity in one’s beliefs and actions; recognition; reverence”; as the dictionary states.
It is not always easy. It can feel impossible. However, ‘I’m possible’ happens from the best places – through the best ways – when you live through your honor, trust, truth and love with your mind and heart open to all that is; as much and as often as possible.
As we honor our own life, we honor life and and all that is living just because we have chosen to be honorable through ourselves. It is how we live most free.
May you let honor give you the freedom to really ‘Just 9Be U’. Live yourself complete; again and again and again.
Your path. Your life. Your truth. Your way.. your love. You.. from and through your own honor.