We all could use some help through life and loving. It’s not always easy to ask for help for myself. I can feel like a bother, feel too vulnerable and not want to hear ‘no’ when I do ask.
These are childhood incidences, along with my self, that have taught me to feel this way.
It could’ve been one time or several circumstances that I felt and witnessed, through my child’s eye and brain, that has taught my brain to respond the way it does. It is my brain that is trying to protect me by creating the ‘don’t go there’ feeling.
Yet, I know how great it feels to help others. It can be a gift that I’m invited into their trust to let me help.
When we help each other, when it feels true for both parties, it is a win. It feels good. Deep down, it feels good. It releases happy hormones.
Let someone help. The someone that is here telling and showing us they are ready and open to helping.
May you be open to receiving help when you desire it.
What a gift.
May you be a gift to yourself and another by letting another help You.
You are not a burden. You are a human, being true to You; open to the dance of being human.
“You feel alive to the degree that you feel you can help others.” John Travolta