With each day comes new things.  Enjoyable things.  Growth things.  Changing things.  Sometimes tragic things.  Amazing things.  It seems to be what most of us know that this is the experience of what life is.

Things in each of our lives that create and encourage feelings, thoughts, reactions, productivity, relationships and an opportunity to watch one’s self and learn.

It is my thought that every one of us is exactly where we are supposed to be.  Through what we were born with and our experiences, relationships, thoughts and reactions to same.  Feelings.  Knowledge.  Wisdom.  Truth.  Untruths.  Etc.

Feelings of worry and/or fear can paralyze us and keep us stuck.  Feelings of love and faith can open great paths.  It is my experience that being in our own love and faith seems to work way better for every one of us instead of worry and/or fear.

Where are your thoughts right now…   Are You open and curious…  Are you worried, maybe weary…  Are you allowing your love and faith to lead You…  To let life show you, through your love and faith, the best way to embrace and grow yourself; to create forward in and from this ‘now’ moment…

I believe we all feel our best, in da flow, and strongest when we have what is inside of us matching what we are living outside of ourselves.  In da zone, so to speak.

It is a really magical [you know you have You] place to be.  Perhaps, there is always a possibility to be in the zone by being true, trusting, loving and with deep belief in yourself.  To bring these things that are You(rs) into every thing and every situation you encounter.

Hello.  May you be in da zone of You.