Hello.  May it be you You are looking for.!.

As I come here to say hello, it is in the middle of the night.  I am awake feeling a happiness about being alive.  About what is going to happen next even when there is so much unknown of just what that may be.  Yet a feeling of grandeur, peace, joy and excitement.  No fear because I have dug deep to know and love me.  It is a moment just now that I am in awe of experiencing.  Moments come and go and as I open to me being me, freedom of same empowers me.  I am always a work in progress that I, humbly, own and honor.  My invitation to be myself has won; just now anyway.

I have a wish to help heal what may need healing.  A gratitude for what blesses us…

Hello.  Is it Me you’re looking for…  Lionel Richie  Oh his music, especially on this album, has brought me great joy and peace, depth and self-connection with my own world and a world where music, love, joy and things that matter to me feel fulfilling, connected, flowing, truthful and promising.

Life can feel this way.  Life is this way.  Life, I know, can also feel challenging and, at times, unfulfilling.

Interesting how the happy flow of being true to myself feels the best.  When I find myself feeling one way and living, breathing, showing another way, this is when I feel challenged by life.  And when what I feel inside matches the outside of myself, the in-syncness of it is glorious and what I always yearn for and am always open to.  It is where I love to reside as fully and as much as possible.

In the flow of my truth, life just is and the honoring of my truth is one of the most empowering and loving thing to myself and to each and every human and situation encountered.

When we know what we feel and live as such through truth and trust of same – Bam… Life flows best.

I’d say to always look, feel, be the You that you are in each moment, breath, situation, circumstance and relationship.  Look for yourself into the depth of yourself.  Live from this place.  Check in with yourself.  Experience yourself.  Let love lead and guide you in, through, out, and onward.

To know thyself, be thyself, live thyself, share thyself through love of the self is the very best we can experience.  It is the very best that can be done to support everything, everywhere.

As we all are being asked, shown, sometimes forced, (yet always available to us) to be true to ourselves, the most magical and highest version of life comes from us, through us and invites the best of ease, flow, living and life.

When I am happy and I feel love, happy and love is what I share.  It is in this presence of ‘just’ and ‘being’ whole in our truth that is truly the best present of our presence.  For me, for you, for our world.

We are living in our truth even if we don’t recognize it as such.  To recognize it as such, honor it and live out loud in it from the most harmonious and loving way that is available to us — well, to me is the win.  To me, is great success.  To me, life grows best doing just this.

As I do it, my world presents itself from this place.  As You do it, your world presents itself and opens up to the best of and for You.  As more and more of us do this, the world vibrates and becomes; grows and generates through harshness and fear into ease, flow, love and our best possible human experiences.  Just being You is an invitation for your innate life’s plan to be carried out.

It is magic.  and just being You (truly You) with an open heart and mind that trusts and knows your own self love…Well, Hello!

May you live in the truth of You and invite the innate wisdom and best life plan possible by Just Being U.  There is a completeness in this that uplifts the energy, vibration and way of life that we are all here to create, witness, experience and just be in; individually, together.

Note:  I never know what will come through me when I sit here to share.  It is my wish that the best of You comes through You here, now and as much and as often as possible.  I believe in You and Me.  I believe in Us.  I believe in love and truth that is in each of us.  Ignite Ground Control to Soar.

You will soar by being truly, lovely You.  Authentic, Raw in kindness, trust and honor.  The time is now.

May you know and live the wholeness and completeness of You.  Ignition on.