“Heal yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall.  With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds.  Heal yourself with mint, neem, and eucalyptus. Sweeten with  lavender, rosemary, and chamomile.

Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a hint of cinnamon.  Put love in tea instead of sugar and drink it looking at the stars.  Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain.

Stand strong with your bare feet on the ground and with everything that comes from it.

Be smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with your forehead.  Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier.  Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember… You Are the medicine.”

by María Sabin,, a Mexican healer and poet.

How beautiful! What a journey!

Divine.   Lovely.

Live in your interpretation of it; beautifully inspired, open and empowered.

This is how it ‘touches’ me.

Feel the sun on your face and dance in the moonlight.  Listen to the sound of the wild stream and feel the power of the waterfall.  Ebb and flow like the ocean and soar and fly like the birds.  Smell and discover the natural herbs and plants that are a gift from Mother Nature.

Love is the sweetest gift of all and the stars are magic.  The wind carries answers and to dance in the rain is like a kiss from the sky.

Stand strong like a warrior gathering up energy from the earth and feeling solidly grounded to it.

Follow your intuition and see with your third eye and believe what You know.

Jump, dance, sing – whatever opens You up to your happy hormones.

Heal yourself.  It is an inside job.  You loving You.  You loving the life you allow yourself to create and live…

This is the magical answer to and of the human journey.

It is yours; always in all ways at all times.

 May you just claim it; the You that is in you to be and knows how to celebrate LIFE.