There can be a big difference between having to and wanting to do something.
There is a difference when I think I have to do something and choose to do it joyfully ‘just because’ I am doing it so I might as well enjoy it; as best I can.
There is a difference when I have to do something and I do it with stress and unhappiness because I don’t want to have to.
There is a difference to doing something the way I want to and enjoying it my way or doing it in a way that I have been told I ‘should’ or am supposed to.
Do you feel these differences awakening inside of you as you read the above sentences.. Is there an understanding within you present..
It is Thanksgiving here in the USA and most of us know it is about gratitude and being thankful. Do you live in the day easily as such… or do you live it in the way you are supposed to.. do you live it in the way that you want to.
If you are not quite sure – perhaps, ask yourself if you are feeling gratitude for doing what you are doing or while thinking about doing it. If you are not easily grateful, it is most probable that you are not doing it because you want to and/or the way that you want to.
May you be aware how gratitude sits with you just now with what you are doing and your plans for ‘celebrating’ Thanksgiving; if you do, in fact, celebrate it. I guess this could refer to doing anything the way that feels best to do it or in a way that brings in doom and gloom or anything in between.
May you meet yourself and your life in your truth from your own love and with honor.
May you participate in your most loving way that brings authentic and real gratitude within You – The way You spend the day – The way that is best for You to spend your day – As your life and your wisdom speak to You – Choose the reality of what makes you most grateful.
As you honor yourself and live your truth, you open doors for others to do the same.
If you are not enjoying what You are choosing, You are the only one responsible for same. Let your love lead not out of obligation but out of pure gratitude and joy.
Oh, to be free to create the life that gratitude rises from and lives in. May the reality of your ‘happy’ allow for understanding and positive perspectives of the way life, living, truth, love and people celebrate.
I wish this for All.
No more elephants in the room, dirt under the rug or anything left unspoken or not shared from the greatest of love available in each and every situation and relationship. With ourselves and one another.
We live in this unspoken truth. We live with these elephants in the rooms. We live with buried or swept under the rug ‘dirt’. As we bring it into the spoken word through our well meaning and loving truth, may we all be set free to transform, evolve and create the best of what is possible in every thing, every situation and every one. It’s way better than suffering and being stuck in silence; walking on eggshells. If we find our self walking on eggshells, it is time to hear the crunching aloud.
Now this is a whole lot of possibility to be grateful for. The freedom and togetherness this can create. The majority of us want to be connected, loved, heard, share and know that we matter.
It is time to live through our full selves.. our needs, wants and desires and our support, care, kindness and love.
Yes. We can. Baby steps allowed. Whatever, however, whenever You get there.. May you just get there. If You are there – Yay!
All my love, hope and prayers for this way of the world to become our reality.
I am grateful for You living You out loud; lovingly and truthfully. You go!
I am grateful for You. Thank You for being here. I appreciate it and You.