Happy October.  May we open to ownership of our own innate knowing; our truth of how we are choosing to experience our life situations; and standing firm in our purpose and reason for being.

What makes you happy…  What are you good at…  What fulfills your soul and fills you up…

Do and be what makes you feel most like yourself.

May you bring the best parts of you into October 2021.

I wish for You joy, enthusiasm and a general sense of wellbeing.

May we improve upon our relationships with ourselves, each other and what we each bring into our world.   

Let this month’s magic highlight the love and wisdom that are Yours to live and share out.


You are boo-tiful to me!

May you tap into your own beauty and live through everything that is boo-tiful to You.  You know — the feeling of boo-tiful.  Let it be contagious, fun and scare everything that is ugly within us and through our world away.