How nice when I let myself do whatever I want to do throughout the day; to the best of my ability. It is what feels like ‘vacation’ to me.
Our world is surely in a state of disrepair and repair. Our loving truth is the quickest way to rise up to where we are going.
May your needs matter to You more than they ever have from the depth of your innate knowing, love, truth and the miracle that is You.
May you know and have many ‘tools’ [to connect to the loving wisdom you were born with]. Be one with them, use them, give yourself all the comfort and love. You are here to be what you were born to be through whatever You want to be and to get conscious of who you know yourself to be.
We are, perhaps, being asked to build from the inside out. Divine timing. Divine love. Divine intervention. Divine wisdom.
It feels good when I stay in my own love instead of worry. Share and honor my truth. Relax into myself asking my body to do its magic that it knows how to do. Take and do what feels helpful and supportive to me.
It can, at first, take a lot of energy to be true to You in a world that many were taught, perhaps, to wear masks. May you be open to You being exactly where you are supposed to be. Move forward from/through here and now; again and again and again. Let your loving truth.
We all have our cycles and stressors and magic and love and uniqueness to honor. What we know as our definition ‘to thrive’ changes and cycles too. Out of the down and/or dark times comes new light and a new, better easier way of being.
Whatever cycle and change you find yourself in, own it as uniquely You(rs) because it is.
May we honor ourselves exactly as we are and g(r)o(w) from here. Amen.
Allow yourself to do what feels best in this moment and time now for You. Settle into this. Ground yourself in this. This, perhaps, is what enables flight.
Always bow to your love and grace.