10 things I am grateful for just now…
Warm temperatures
Rain watering the land
Caring people
Raw, vulnerable people
Owning my own raw vulnerability
Meeting myself and my life where it is
Breath and knowing that I am breathing
Relaxing inside of myself to welcome peace within
As we allow ourselves to be here in this moment, perhaps, making a list of things we are grateful for, may anything anxiety causing or thoughts that are not fun thinking go away.
May you (if you feel to) make a list of 10 things you are grateful for just now and experience a few moments of what makes you You and what brings you happiness and peace.
I wish you happy and peace and as each of us know same (when we know same), we share it with one another.
May we lift each other up and color our world with raw vulnerability using our own true colors of gratitude, hope and love. Amen. And so it shall be. And so it is.