May you be extra kind, gentle and loving to yourself; just now and always.   

As we expand and open ourselves up to as much kindness, gentleness and love as possible, we open to and create miracles and magic for all.  May it be so.  It is so.

As we believe that we feel certain ways for real reasons and when we feel things that we would rather not feel, love ourselves deeper.

Times are heavy for many just now.  And, in this heaviness we can learn what feels most light to ourselves.

When we hurt, we can feel what feels good.  When we acknowledge and open to learning, we see new and different ways.

Gentleness and compassion.  Love and trust.  Openness and expansion.  What a gift that each one is and what gifts that open up through them.

Open up to the most gentle of you and get to know the strongest of you.

Let the depth of yourself soar….

Be excited.  Be calm.  Create anew.  Live inward out.

Free yourself of what you don’t want to be and let what you want to be happen.

My wish.

Whatever is your wish, may you know it, nurture it, believe in it, be true to it.

You can do it.  You will do it.  Perhaps, you already have it and/or are it.