What is fun or funny to one is not always fun or funny to others. While visiting my beautiful, precious, wonderful daughter I saw something I would have never ever thought of and these people’s creativity gave me laughter and a hoot every time I passed their mailbox.
With creativity, even mailboxes can be fun(ny).
Bravo on their creativity and their funny.
May you let your own creativity free. It’s the ‘(he)art’ of You that matters.
Be free. Be wild. Don’t hold back. Let whatever brings you joy bring you joy.
We don’t all have to feel the same to support each other in our creativity.
Make a snow angel. Build a sandcastle. Tell a joke. Smile. Write or sing a song. Write a poem. Write a blog Dance. Draw. Act. Surf the waves. Create something or work a plan that comes from and through You. Take pictures. Help others. Help yourself. Build a business.
May you let your creativity flow. No outcome. No judgement. Just freedom to honor what is uniquely inside of You.
If it makes you happy and does no harm, we all win.
May so many bills not make it to You. Bahahaha